Relaxed Hair journey post – To texlax or not to texlax… (August 26, 2009)
I decided to give up on texlaxing. I’m sorry guys… I really thought it would be something good for my hair, but after a few months, I am noting more bad (breakage at the hairline, permanent frizz at the roots, tangles starting at 3-4 weeks post) than good (thicker hair, stronger hair, loose curls at the roots). I’m supposed to go see a stylist for a corrective relaxer in October if I can hold on and God willing.
The thing is, I am unsure of what to do. I hopped on the texlaxing bandwagon because I was soooooo sure it was going to work for me. Now I’m wondering if I should give it more time to get the hang of it. Meanwhile, my hair will me all different textures if I keep going and that may cause unnecessary breakage. *sigh*
When I first started my journey, my goal was to grow my relaxed hair longer and thicker. As my hair is growing, I am realizing that it is not dramatically thin (fine) when all of it is growing and I don’t have breakage at the demarcation line at the crown (my weakest area) or bald spots.
And so, I decided to concentrate on stretching 10-12 weeks instead of stretching AND texlaxing. Doing both does not seem to work for me. I will still take the steps to relax properly but I will not rinse before the relaxer straightens my hair.
My steps:
I will do a protein treatment on the wash day right before I relax. I will apply castor oil on my scalp during the week before I relax. I will base my scalp the day before and right before I relax. I will protect my ends with oil, conditioner or neutralizing shampoo before relaxing my roots. Last but not least, I will rinse and neutralize properly.