Relaxed Hair journey post – I almost relaxed today… whew! (July 6, 2009)
I am 6 weeks post and trying to stretch 9 weeks this time. My big problem is that my last relaxer did not take and now the NG (new growth) is unbelievable. I was going to cave in. I prepared my stuff; combs, clips, relaxer kit, oils, shampoos, conditioner, etc. I was getting ready to put my favorite texlax YouTube video from Alraines and she had a new video on stretching your relaxer. I started watching the new video and changed my mind. Whew!!! I co-washed instead and did a light protein treatment and now I’m air drying. We’ll see how long I can hold on.
This is my second time stretching on purpose. I want to be able to stretch 12-14 weeks at least. I think I can do it. This stretch has taught me a lot about my hair and my ability to stretch has improved 100%.
I am still debating if I am going to do cornrows. I had decided against it because it’s not really my style. I like to change and switch it up and I don’t like to wear wigs or weaves to work (too many questions).
Another reason I am sooooooo eager to relax is that I want to see my results. I have been itching to see if I made it to SL. I really hope I have.
That’s it for now…