beautiful beauty black brown girl growing long hair hair journey healthy hair care melanin natural hair natural hair journey

Why everyone must go on a hair journey

Before starting my blog or right at the beginning, I should have asked and also answered this question: “Why should anyone go on a hair journey?” Why the hair journey?Why not?  I went on my first hair journey because I just felt like there was something better that I could be doing to take care […]

beautiful beauty black brown girl growing long hair melanin natural hair natural hair journey relaxed hair relaxed hair journey

Healthy hair regimen – winter in Canada edition

My backyard This is my first winter since my big chop. I’ve gone through winters as a natural before but I don’t really have any tips from these experiences. I wasn’t on a hair journey back then. Winters are hard on my hair in general. I noticed that during my relaxed hair journey. Here is […]

cheveux noirs growing long hair hair journey hair regimen healthy hair care progress pics relaxed hair journey

Relaxed hair journey post – Product review – CHI Silk Infusion and more (August 27, 2009)

I finally found the CHI at an acceptable price to me. It was the travel pack for 21,99$. The little bottles are 2oz. I got the Infra shampoo, the treatment, the silk infusion and the iron guard. I bought them yesterday and used them today on my wash day. My first impression… I loved them!!!!!!!! All […]

beautiful hair beauty cheveux noirs growing long hair hair journey healthy hair care natural hair journey natural hair. big chop pcos twa

Natural hair journey – One month post Big Chop

After 5 years on my hair journey, I felt it was time to switch gears and try the natural route.  It was a sudden decision, but one month later, no regrets. Quite the opposite… I learned everything I needed to learn about relaxed hair and see that it is a suitable hair style for many […]

cheveux noirs growing long hair hair journey healthy hair care natural hair. big chop texlax texlaxed twa

Transitioning to natural – Ending a chapter and beginning anew

I have decided to end my relaxed hair journey and move on to the next step. I am starting my natural hair journey. I did not want to transition. I big chopped just like that one day.Here are the most important things I have learned from my relaxed hair journey: · Moisturizing regularly – I used to moisturize daily in the […]

cheveux noirs growing long hair hair journey hair regimen healthy hair care how to stretch your relaxer progress pics relaxed hair relaxed hair journey texlaxed

Relaxed Hair journey post – 1st domenican blowout since beginning of HHJ (September 5, 2009)

I pre-pooed at home. She didn’t mind at all. I was happy about that. I know I can always do that. She shampooed with a Nioxin shampoo (I forget which one – I’ll look it up). Then she put a reconstructor and let it sit in my hair no plastic cap, no heat. Rinse that […]