OMG!!!!! I’ve fallen in love all over again! 15 years ago, in my early twenties I purchased my first real camera, a Canon SLR. It was the Canon Rebel G… It was the entry level SLR back then, it was not digital. I had purchased it with my earnings from my part-time job and I was really […]
What a chock! After using an iPhone for almost three years, I had the crazy idea of switching to Android. OMG! What an idea!!!!!Well, I’ve been using my new phone for three weeks so this review is really a first impressions because I haven’t done everything I could do with the phone. I don’t know […]
Since becoming a mommy, I’ve developed a liking for makeup that has grown more and more in the last 5 years. I am enjoying it the same way I loved crayons and coloring books when I was a child. It may came from the same creative place. Who knows? Here are my favorite things from […]
I purchased this Filofax a few months ago. I’ve been lusting over a Malden since I started my obsession with Filofax. But being on a tight budget, I couldn’t justify the expense. It’s always: house, kids, bills first (as it should be). So I waited. I knew a great sale would come along at the […]
Just as I suspected, I will not be part of the exception who only own one Filofax. I already purchased my second Filofax about one month after purchasing my first. As you remember, I already have an A5 Chameleon in red and I absolutely love it. I purchased the Aston to replace my big Roots wallet. I […]
Any mommy will tell you, coffee is a necessity in her life. Well, I am no different. I love my cup of coffee in the morning. It is a sacred time for me and I enjoy every little sip fully. I started drinking coffee gradually as a young adult after I started working full-time. I […]
January or September marks the time when most people go out to get planners and calendars to keep note of important dates, appointments and lists of things to do. I’m no different. Every year, mostly in January, but sometimes in September, I go out to find that little calendar or planner that will help me […]
My number one mommy favorite is my Ju Ju Be diaper bag. I actually have two of them so I should say my two favorite mommy accessories. I first purchased the Ju Ju Be – Be Prepared a little before giving birth to my baby. My hospital bags were already packed but I was so excited about getting my new acquisition, […]