I am 6 weeks post and trying to stretch 9 weeks this time. My big problem is that my last relaxer did not take and now the NG (new growth) is unbelievable. I was going to cave in. I prepared my stuff; combs, clips, relaxer kit, oils, shampoos, conditioner, etc. I was getting ready to put my […]
So far so good… Loving my progressI actually do not have any progress pics, sorry… I don’t even know how long my hair is (hoping for full SL) because I’ve decided not to use any heat until my next relaxer Aug 1st 2009. Since I won’t be flat ironing, I can’t accurately evaluate my growth. I feel […]
It feels like 13 weeks post since my last relaxer (very under processed texlax) didn’t take at all. :(I have been managing with my new growth and my hair. Except that I have been having breakage these past few days. I have done a hard protein treatment (Aphogee two step) a week ago and continue to do light […]
I self-texlaxed today with ORS Olive Oil No-lye. This is my first real texlax. I watched You Tube to get some techniques all week. Conclusion: I really need to find a stylist. The whole thing was a mess. I tried to use the color brush, but it was too large for my sections. I got […]
I did it!!!! I wasn’t sure I would but I did. It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t as hard as I thought. It is true, it is important to plan ahead and have an idea on how to solve unpredictables.Planning my stretch is what helped me. I knew I wanted to stretch for 8 weeks […]
I hadn’t seen any progress with my hair. I guess seeing is believing. I posted three pictures last week-end. Just doing that reminded me of how far I have come.Indeed, I did a BC last August because my hair shed excessively after my second pregnancy and it was no longer possible to hold on to the length. I […]
I look at my regimen as a cycle. The first day of my cycle is relaxer day. I will try to stretch 8 weeks for the very first time this cycle (started April 8th ’09). I will document the state of my hair at every relaxer.Relaxer dayI will protect my hair and scalp with vaseline […]
When it comes to hair care, I plead guilty, guilty, guilty. The charge is abused to the first, second and third degree. After years of abusing my hair, I had a vision last week. Indeed, it was time to do a retouch of my relaxer, something that I “like” to do myself more often than […]