cheveux noirs growing long hair hair journey hair regimen healthy hair care relaxed hair relaxed hair journey

Hair journey post – Building my regimen (04/28/09)

I look at my regimen as a cycle. The first day of my cycle is relaxer day. I will try to stretch 8 weeks for the very first time this cycle (started April 8th ’09). I will document the state of my hair at every relaxer.

Relaxer day

I will protect my hair and scalp with vaseline or any petroleum base.
Use ORS Olive Oil to relax. I will go to the hairdresser for this and not self relax anymore.
Will take a picture to document progress.


I will wash my hair 2 x a week (co-wash an additional day when growth is hard to handle)
Week right after relaxer, I will use a chelating shampoo (Joico).
From week 2 to 7 I will use Crème Of Nature (green label)
Wash right before relaxer I will clarify (Joico)
I will deep condition at every wash


I will moisturize 2 x a day (or at least once) : Wave Nouveau + Hot Six Oil to seal
Sleep with satin bonnet/scarf
Style in protective styles 90% of time
Use no heat unless it’s relaxer day or very special occasion

Present day commentary

Building a regimen is as simple as deciding what best hair practices you will exercise to retain length, strength and thickness.  There is no one size fits all and over the years you may realize what you were doing in the beginning is not what you’re doing 3-4 years down the line.

This regimen is my first and my present regimen looks a lot like it.  I’ve simplified it and modified it for winter days.  Some products, I no longer use…