beautiful beauty black brown girl growing long hair hair journey hair regimen iphone melanin natural hair journey natural hair. big chop

2 years length check – commentaries

Commentaries on my 2-year post big chop video
In all, I can say that the simple regimen that I’ve been following is definitely working for me. I was wondering if I would wish my hair was longer at this point, but no. I am very happy with the growth so far.
I haven’t faced major setbacks. The only bad notes regarding this particular journey were things that I was already expecting.

My crown area is still the most difficult area. I will put much more effort into keeping it healthy during my third year because I’m noticing more tangles and knots, therefore more breakage and less length compared to the rest of my hair.

 My scalp, although much improved, it is still sensitive, and I can’t let go of the care I give it otherwise it will suffer, and I will suffer right along with it.
I’ve started coloring my hair because my critical eye is noticing the grays even more when I edit my videos and I felt the urge to color them. I, of course, don’t use bleach or ammonia. I had planned on trying to use the color that doesn’t dry out my hair. But I’ve been noticing increased dryness. I will definitely discontinue use of regular box dyes and use dark rinses and glosses. And since the gray hairs are few, I can also use the color sticks or such products.

I’m slowly starting to try different styles. But the wash and go remains my go-to style. I was able to improve my perm rod set. I straightened my hair but I didn’t really like how it turned out, so I didn’t post too many pictures or film a video wearing it in this style. I’m still trying to figure out the best method for straightening fine natural hair. My hair is silky and smooth except for the ends. Not a good look, for me…

I’ll be sharing my third year regimen soon… Not much will change, but I have to add some improvements to ensure good results.

Please check out my previous post for my 2 year length check video.

Deuces for now…

xoxo, AK